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Study start-up aid

Eine Illustration auf einem grün-blauem Hintergrund zeigt Wolken, aus denen eine Rakete aufsteigt. Um die Rakete herum sind ein Bücherstapel und Münzen. Rechts schwebt ein Laptop, auf dessen Bildschirm „Starthilfe 800 €“ steht.

The Studienstarthilfe is a one-off, earmarked grant from the state of Schleswig-Holstein for prospective students from low-income families to finance special expenses such as enrolment fees, semester fees and study-specific purchases. This is intended to make it easier to start studying in Schleswig-Holstein.

It is no longer possible to apply for the study start-up grant via the Student Life Advice Centre. As soon as we have more information, we will publish it here.

We are happy to help!

Contact persons

Ramona López
Ramona López
Advice on student life
Student Life Advisor Kiel
Room 4, Counselling Centre in Mensa II (Leibnizstraße 12-14), 24118 Kiel
Office hoursMon+Thurs 11.00-14.00
Johanna Usinger
Johanna Usinger
Student life advising
Student Life Advisor
Room 1, Counseling Center in Mensa II (Leibnizstraße 12-14), 24118 Kiel, Germany
Office hoursMon+Thurs 11.00-14.00
Paula Jirka
Paula Jirka
Student life counselling
Consultant Kiel
Room 5, Counselling Centre in Mensa II (Leibnizstraße 12-14), 24118 Kiel
Office hoursMon+Thur 11.00-14.00
Janne Marie Wolter
Janne Marie Wolter
Counselling Student life
Consultant Flensburg
Thomas-Fincke-Str. 7, 24943 Flensburg
Office hoursMon + Wed 10.00-13.00 hrs From 30.04.24 to 10.05.2024 Mrs Wolter is not available. You can contact the other counsellors.
Stefanie Prüss
Stefanie Prüss
Counselling Student life
Consultant Lübeck
Room 43, office in the canteen building, Mönkhofer Weg 241, 23562 Lübeck
Office hoursTue-Thu 10.00-13.00 Mrs Prüss is not available from 9 May to 8 July. Please contact the other counsellors.
Beatrice Richter-Bethge
Beatrice Richter-Bethge
Counselling Student life
Consultant Heide
Room 0.44, Office FH Westküste, Fritz-Thiedemann-Ring 20, 25746 Heide
Office hoursTue 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. or by appointment
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