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An einem Aufgabetresen überreicht eine Frau einer Person einen gefüllten Speisenteller.

A breakfast roll to start the day, a long-awaited lunch after an eternally long lecture, a coffee and snack to combat the afternoon slump - you can enjoy all of this in the canteens, cafeterias and café lounges of the Studentenwerk SH. We offer you delicious, varied and affordable food right on your campus.

With the Campus Card, you can make cashless payments in our catering facilities.

Find out more about the Campus Card

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Zwei blaue Chipkarten mit der Aufschrift „Campus Card“ und dem Studentenwerks-Flieger.

Campus Card

In our canteens and cafeterias you can pay easily, quickly and conveniently with the Campus Card or the university chip card. Students and staff only receive the specified canteen prices in combination with a valid chip card; the guest price must be paid in cash. An exception is Wedel and Osterrönfeld, where payment is still made in cash.
You can obtain the Campus Card for 15 euros - 7.50 euros starting credit and 7.50 euros deposit. The deposit and any remaining credit will be paid out when the intact card is returned.

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Eine Junge Frau steht hinter einem Tresen und hat eine Kaffeetasse in der Hand.


Our colleagues from the university catering department offer you a varied range of dishes every day to help you eat a balanced diet. On our menu, we label creative dishes that are particularly nutritious with the MensaVital logo. We use regional and seasonal products in our kitchens and cook many vegetarian and vegan dishes. Not only health, but also sustainability is important to us.

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